Tag: Steven Krieger

Steven Krieger, Chief Executive Officer for B2K Development has built a foundation of trust with sellers, lenders, and stakeholders. He has been an integral part in building the communities, the brands, and the relationships for which the company is well-known.

Renovated Uniondale Community Center Unveiled

Steven Krieger, CEO B2K Development, Tracey Edwards SVP Sands New York, David Greaves, Presdient of John J. Byrnes Community Center, Ron Reese SVP Las Vegas Sands pictured with commemorating plaque

The renovation and refurnishing of the John J. Byrne Community Center in Uniondale, NY was sponsored and facilitated by B2K Development, Las Vegas Sands, and Waldner’s Business Environments. In July 2023, the group acquired the building, pledging to renovate the facility and enable the thriving center to enrich its offerings. The community center now features… Read more »